6 August 2011

Everyone Needs an Immature Friend!

They provide endless amounts of entertainment, simply because of their purposeful stupidity and refusal to accept that they really should be acting their age. The immature friend of our group shall go un-named, for fear that if someone we know finds this blog, they may have information to use against her in possible cases of blackmail. For the purpose of this post, we shall call people like her 'TIF' for The Immature Friend.

To see if any of your friends happen to be TIF, put them to the following test:
1. Insert the word 'boobies' or 'bum' into a conversation with them - do they laugh?
2. Watch them closely, do they seem to fall down often, but not actually trip on anything?
3. When you are walking next to them, grab their shirt and gently pull them back. Do they fling out their arms and scream 'WOOOOAAAHHHH!' then, fall down laughing?
4. Do they often resort to childish retorts when arguing, such as "Your face" and "Your mum", or mimicking you in a babyish voice?
5. Can you think of any times they have heard you wrong, but the words they thought you said were completely different to what you actually said? E.g...
What you say: "I hurt my thumb"
What TIF hears: "I licked my bum."
Which then results in massive snorts of laughter and almost always ends in near asthma-like attacks?

If you answered YES to two or more of these symptoms, then it is highly likely that they are TIF. Other TIF indications may (but not definitely) include: 
-Hitting calculator buttons with excessive amounts of force - the reason for this is unknown, although a possibility is that they enjoy the sound of it, or that it makes them feel smarter in some way.
-Laughing in strange and unnatural sounding ways, often ending up sound like a cross between a dinosaur and a turkey.
-Yelling out strange noises, generally a sort of "MAH!", whenever making sudden movements.

If your friends are showing any of these particular symptoms, then your friend is almost certainly TIF. But don't worry, its nothing to be afraid of
, it it essentially harmless, although it can be contagious for short periods of time. So, if your find out your friend is a TIF, congratulations! You have your very own source of entertainment, one that can be counted on for many laughs, in any situation. Enjoy it while you can, and hope that they never grow out of it :) 
ILY my TIF <3


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