2 August 2011

Calculus and why it sucks arse.

Well, its the beginning of many things, a blog, a... well okay, its just the beginning of a blog really. But I feel I owe you the inspiration behind this amazing new creation that is "Just Sayin'". You see, my cousin Rebecca (Bex) and I share our opinions on a lot of things, one of them being Calculus. Frankly, it sucks. I damn Isaac Newton to hell for ever creating it. So there we were, sitting in our calc classroom, staring blankly at the board on which our teacher was writing a mass of gibberish, when Bex informs me "I'm thinking about making a blog" and from there, this one small little inkling snowballed into a big ball of awesomeness. We we're originally going to name it 'Misconstrued Indie Beverly Hills Chihuahua' but felt it was too long, and kinda off the point from what we wanted to talk about. We finally settled on Just Sayin'. Its a magical little term - by putting it at the end of an insult,  you can seem far nicer, e.g.
"I think that top makes you look fat"
can be transformed into
"I think that top makes you look fat, I mean, I'm just sayin'" and BOOOOMMM suddenly you're not such a horrible cow. Not quite sure how that works, but somehow, it does.
Anywho, I'm getting off point here. So here's a little bit about me and Bex - We are polar opposites in so many ways, Im tall(ish) she's short(not ish, very short indeed), she's slender and I'm tank, she's a city-girl through and through, and I'm a farmer. But we are also so VERY alike in many ways too, we both have a witty and sarcastic sense of humor, we both have impeccable taste in music (Our theme song is 'Cousins' by Vampire Weekend), we also throw the best sleepovers out of all of our friends (don't tell them that though), and we both have decided to build a blog together, which you are (OMG) currently reading! So, this is our first and most definitely not last post - although hopefully by the time we write our last post we'll have a few more followers than we do at the moment (i.e. ZERO), and this is me signing off - Seeyah!

~To infinity and beyond~
   Beth & Bex ;)

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