9 August 2011


Well.... its Bex here,

Yes, Beth didn't make me up as her imaginary friend. i actually am a real person (or maybe beth is writing this and pretending she's sane, she's not btw but shhhhhh) I'm one of those people who say they will do something and then procrastinate for about 2 weeks before doing it that is why, i have been slack and haven't written anything. The whole blog idea came about in calculus where me and beth get together and do everything but calculus. On the plus side we make up these brilliant and inspiring ideas. Take today, me and Beth were just sitting in calc while our teacher was talking about diffirentiation or was it intergration?? anyways, we both decided that we really felt like eating a pie. But since it was before 12, it felt socially unacceptable to eat it soo early. Then a stroke of genius washed over us, if we both got pies it would be totally acceptable. See if it was just me, people would think...
"Ewww, what a fattie eating pie before lunch!"
buuut with both of us they would think..
" Oh those chicks both have pies, how cool are they"
So we both ran to the canteen pushing random year nines out of our way, got our pies and   
 decided it would be very wise to have pie tuesdays where we could stuff our faces with pie.
And that, ladies and gentlemen is the amazing way me and beth's minds work. So we welcome with open mouths, pie tuesdays and obesity. But hey, we still have our dignity ? 
Don't judge us, those pies are almost as amazing as we are. 
Sinora, avitasane, cheerio, au revoir, good riddance! just kidding.
Peace and love,
Bex :)

Quote of the day -  
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways. 

6 August 2011

Everyone Needs an Immature Friend!

They provide endless amounts of entertainment, simply because of their purposeful stupidity and refusal to accept that they really should be acting their age. The immature friend of our group shall go un-named, for fear that if someone we know finds this blog, they may have information to use against her in possible cases of blackmail. For the purpose of this post, we shall call people like her 'TIF' for The Immature Friend.

To see if any of your friends happen to be TIF, put them to the following test:
1. Insert the word 'boobies' or 'bum' into a conversation with them - do they laugh?
2. Watch them closely, do they seem to fall down often, but not actually trip on anything?
3. When you are walking next to them, grab their shirt and gently pull them back. Do they fling out their arms and scream 'WOOOOAAAHHHH!' then, fall down laughing?
4. Do they often resort to childish retorts when arguing, such as "Your face" and "Your mum", or mimicking you in a babyish voice?
5. Can you think of any times they have heard you wrong, but the words they thought you said were completely different to what you actually said? E.g...
What you say: "I hurt my thumb"
What TIF hears: "I licked my bum."
Which then results in massive snorts of laughter and almost always ends in near asthma-like attacks?

If you answered YES to two or more of these symptoms, then it is highly likely that they are TIF. Other TIF indications may (but not definitely) include: 
-Hitting calculator buttons with excessive amounts of force - the reason for this is unknown, although a possibility is that they enjoy the sound of it, or that it makes them feel smarter in some way.
-Laughing in strange and unnatural sounding ways, often ending up sound like a cross between a dinosaur and a turkey.
-Yelling out strange noises, generally a sort of "MAH!", whenever making sudden movements.

If your friends are showing any of these particular symptoms, then your friend is almost certainly TIF. But don't worry, its nothing to be afraid of
, it it essentially harmless, although it can be contagious for short periods of time. So, if your find out your friend is a TIF, congratulations! You have your very own source of entertainment, one that can be counted on for many laughs, in any situation. Enjoy it while you can, and hope that they never grow out of it :) 
ILY my TIF <3


3 August 2011

Why There Was Bread on the Floor

There is a war raging between myself and some sort of spiritual bread-loving being that lives in my house. Every time I go to get bread, there is none there. The first time it happened, it was a minor inconvenience, fixed easily by walking to the freezer (yes we freeze our bread) and pulling out a new loaf - simple! The next few times it occurred it steadily angered me more and more, its like I could feel the bread-loving being laughing at me, taunting me. I woke up one morning before school, feeling fine. My extraordinarily well set alarm song (Africa by Toto) had put me in a happy and wistful mood. I did my morning routine, shower, put on half my uniform, and began making my lunch when I had a sudden craving for peanut butter sandwiches. I pulled open the bread drawer, to discover the very thing I had been dreading - there was no bread. 'Its fine!' I told myself, and began humming Africa in my head to keep me calm - "It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from yoooouuuu" I went to the freezer. No bread there either. I had the sudden urge to snap something, but quelled it quickly "There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever doooo" I chucked on  a pair of shoes and stumbled - half-dressed - out into the freezing morning air, unlocked the garage and heaved open the enormous freezer we kept to store long term food in, and rifled through it until I produced a bag of ice-covered, month old bread. "Its still good..." I told myself. I was going to have my peanut butter sandwich. I stalked back inside where I came across my innocent Dad, sitting at the kitchen island, reading a newspaper. Ah! A living person to take my rage out on.
"WHY AM I THE ONLY PERSON TO GET OUT ANY BREAD AROUND HERE!?" I bellowed at him. He ignored me, as he usually does when I'm angry, calmly picked up his paper and walked out of the kitchen. Even though he hadn't responded, it felt good to get it out of my system. I pulled a few frozen slices of bread off the loaf and put them in the microwave to thaw them. I watched the little dial tick down the seconds I had to wait. My peanut butter sandwiches were imminent. I pulled out the bread from the microwave to discover something curious, the bread felt oddly stiff and crusty in my hand, i looked closer at the slices, only to realise they had freezer-burn all over them. I felt my mind spiraling into a white hot rage, like a plug pulled in a sink full of water, my patience had emptied down the drain. I screwed up the slices in my hand until i felt a knuckle pop, and with a scream I threw the bread far and wide across the kitchen. I picked up the offending loaf, still inside the plastic bag, and flung it to the ground, only to kick it across the ground moments later. "THINK YOU GOT THE BETTER OF ME, EH BREAD? I'LL SHOW YOU!" After several minutes of this carry on, I felt my anger waning slightly, and stood still, fists clenched, and stared at the destruction around me. Bits of bread were strewn far and wide across the kitchen, in the sink, pantry, ground and stove. The loaf of frozen bread had ripped, the slices inside had fallen out and were lying over the floor, slowing defrosting. While i stood, breathing heavily through my nose like a bull about to charge, my mother walked in and asked in a curious voice
"Why is there bread on the floor?"


2 August 2011

Calculus and why it sucks arse.

Well, its the beginning of many things, a blog, a... well okay, its just the beginning of a blog really. But I feel I owe you the inspiration behind this amazing new creation that is "Just Sayin'". You see, my cousin Rebecca (Bex) and I share our opinions on a lot of things, one of them being Calculus. Frankly, it sucks. I damn Isaac Newton to hell for ever creating it. So there we were, sitting in our calc classroom, staring blankly at the board on which our teacher was writing a mass of gibberish, when Bex informs me "I'm thinking about making a blog" and from there, this one small little inkling snowballed into a big ball of awesomeness. We we're originally going to name it 'Misconstrued Indie Beverly Hills Chihuahua' but felt it was too long, and kinda off the point from what we wanted to talk about. We finally settled on Just Sayin'. Its a magical little term - by putting it at the end of an insult,  you can seem far nicer, e.g.
"I think that top makes you look fat"
can be transformed into
"I think that top makes you look fat, I mean, I'm just sayin'" and BOOOOMMM suddenly you're not such a horrible cow. Not quite sure how that works, but somehow, it does.
Anywho, I'm getting off point here. So here's a little bit about me and Bex - We are polar opposites in so many ways, Im tall(ish) she's short(not ish, very short indeed), she's slender and I'm tank, she's a city-girl through and through, and I'm a farmer. But we are also so VERY alike in many ways too, we both have a witty and sarcastic sense of humor, we both have impeccable taste in music (Our theme song is 'Cousins' by Vampire Weekend), we also throw the best sleepovers out of all of our friends (don't tell them that though), and we both have decided to build a blog together, which you are (OMG) currently reading! So, this is our first and most definitely not last post - although hopefully by the time we write our last post we'll have a few more followers than we do at the moment (i.e. ZERO), and this is me signing off - Seeyah!

~To infinity and beyond~
   Beth & Bex ;)