23 October 2011


Hey iiiiiiiiiits bex!,

I haven't blogged for awhile, i don't really have an excuse because frankly I'm too lazy, and i procrastinate over everything in my life. it's not going well for me after a two week holiday off school, in which i planned to study all day err'day buuuttt... somehow managed to find every excuse not to study. This included cleaning my room and exercising voluntarily! which let me tell you is very unusual for me.

In other news, one of my family members recently went into hospital for a brain operation which was very scary and kind of gave me a new perspective of life. It made me realise that i'm sooo lucky to be alive, and be healthy and have everything i need and more. So i've decided to change some things in my life

1. Appreciate more what i have this includes - a supportive family that only want the best for me
                                                                    - amazing friends who care about me
                                                                    - and a boyfriend who loves me just the way i am.

2. Try to improve myself - exercising, eaing healthy and studying for school

3. Live a little - I want to take more risks, do exciting things, go outside my comfort zone and go wild :)

So yeah. Inspirational moment over, dont worry i kept it short. <3 you guys and thanks for your amazing support! jokes no one reads this. Hahaha awkward.

Bring on this summer :) x

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